Day 2 Task: Basics linux command

Hello Everyone welcome to my new Blog, hope you all are doing great.

I am publishing a whole series of #90DaysOfDevOps series.

So today is Day 2 So our task is Basic Linux Commands:

#What is Linux?

#Why Linux?

#Some basic commands for that.

Let's Start Without wasting the Time

What is Linux?

\>> Linux is an Open Source Operating System.

\>>An operating system is the software that directly manages a system's hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage. The OS sits between applications and hardware and makes the connections between all of your software and the physical resources that do the work.

Why Linux?

\>> Open Source

\>> Multi Tasking and Multi-Processing



Check your present working directory: for this we use pwd

List all the file or directories including hidden files:

For this first, we will go to the root or bash folder or our Ubuntu

for that use the command

cd /

Now we will see all the directories and files

Now our next task is create a nested directory

Nested directory means that one directory in another directory.

If you did not understand don't worry I am here to help you

Let's Understand by an Example:

we have four Directory A, B, C, and D and anyone tell us that you have to make nested directories for all 4 directories means when you create an A directory inside a Create B directory inside B, Create a C directory, and inside c create a D directory this process is long for that we have one command that will do it automatically

mkdir -p  A/B/C/D

Now our day 2 all task is completed.

\>> Thanks for the Reading If you like this then like and comment any suggestion if any.

Happy Learning::

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